Aim :
I want to find out how things taste.
Research :
Method :
- Equipment :
- blind fold
- unjustified food
1. Gather equipment
2. Put your blindfold on
3. Taste the food.
4. Question yourself what do you taste like sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and sour.
5. record you self in a table.
When I stick my hand own Mr Stock gave us a piece of food. It felt like something soft and shaped like a half moon. He told us to eat it and it tasted lemon and it was sweet. It was a gummy fruit and when I block my nose it tasted less lemon. The second one was critic acid it like it was needles going to my tongue and I block my nose and it felt more stronger and more sour. The third one was baking soda. It tasted salty and bitter if you block your nose it tasted like the secound food. The fourth one was salt and I got a lot of it because I thought it was sugar. When I put it on my mouth it was salty on the tip of tongue. The fifth one was sugar and it nice and I blocked my nose and It still tasted more sweeter. The last unknown one was baking power and it was fizzy on my mouth and it fizzed like sherbet